
Go Discover is a group mentoring program developed and offered to those who want to look deeper into how they can become tentmakers. The program lasts for six months with monthly meetings from 1.5 to 2 hours and complimentary weekly activities that allow participants to look deeper into the following aspects:

  1. Self-knowledge and identity in God
    You will get to know more about yourself and how God created you to be used in His mission. The program will make use of different assessment tools and it will address issues such as temperaments, strengths, the ideal tentmaker profile, and spiritual disciplines.

  2. Self-responsibility
    It is rightly said that everything is dependent on God. At the same time God has given us a personal responsibility for doing what is right and fulfilling his mission. Understanding our personal responsibility is key to developing our character and to the success and fulfilment of any project.

  3. Self-confidence and confidence in God
    In this section, we will talk about two points that have strong connections to each other: Trust in the Lord and trust in yourself. God often takes us on journeys and through situations where he is shaping us. Often he uses our personalities and experiences we have already gained to teach us things. Both self-confidence and God-confidence is needed to understand who you are, how God has made you and what he is doing through you.

  4. Planning
    By using different tools you will get help to plan how to accomplish the visions that God has given to you or how you can get to where you believe God is leading. you.

How we will work

We will apply techniques and tools used in mentoring, counselling, and coaching in addition to management and behavioral analysis tools. The program will still be fully based on Biblical principles and a spiritual approach will be included in each of the subjects that will be covered in the program.

All participants will receive proposed action plans and complementary materials related to the things they work on. The monthly meetings are compulsory. Participants who do not show up at these meetings, may not be allowed to continue the program.

Upcoming programs