Transform Your Life: Embracing Personal Growth found in scripture

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. - Romans 12:2 (NIV).

The desire to grow and develop as individuals is natural and inherent in every human being. We constantly seek to improve our skills, expand our knowledge, and reach our full potential. However, as Christians, we understand that true growth goes beyond professional success or personal fulfillment. The ultimate goal is to become more like Christ, growing in wisdom, love, and spiritual maturity. 

What is Personal Growth? 

Personal growth refers to the process of expanding or increasing individual potential in various areas of life, such as emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and physical. 

It involves the continuous pursuit of self-awareness, learning, and personal improvement. 

It may include reaching new objectives, conquering obstacles, learning new abilities, and cultivating a growth mentality. We see here that growth is ongoing, continuous, and never-ending. 

Growing in Christ: The Source of Transformation 

The Bible invites us to grow in Christ, maturing in faith and becoming more like Him. In Philippians 1:6, Paul says: "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." God desires us to be transformed by His Word and Spirit so that we may reflect His image in every area of our lives. 

Speaking of Paul, the apostle underwent significant personal development and growth. Before his conversion to Christianity, he was known as Saul of Tarsus and persecuted Jesus' followers. However, after a transformative experience on the road to Damascus, Saul underwent a radical change of heart and became one of the most prominent apostles of early Christianity, known as Paul. 

Paul's personal development is evident in his letters, where he speaks of his spiritual transformation, his journey of faith, and his growth as a religious leader and thinker. He transitioned from being a persecutor of Christians to a fervent advocate of the gospel of Jesus Christ. His experiences and teachings reflect profound personal and spiritual growth throughout his life. 

The Fruit of the Spirit: Evidence of Growth 

Growth in Christ is manifested through the fruit of the Spirit, described in Galatians 5:22-23: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." These characteristics demonstrate Christ's presence in our lives and empower us to live fruitfully and impactfully. This characterisitcs are not automatically applied to a Christian’s life, it occurs through a process of transformation which comes by knowing what God wants, how He wants us to behave and act, and obeying Him in all things “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will” (Romans 12:2). The transformation that comes through mind renewal through God’s word will be proven by the kind of fruit it bears. 

Ministry in the Workplace: A Mission of Transformation 

Our work is not just a means of earning a living but a missionary field where we can serve God and impact the world. Colossians 3:23-24 instructs us: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." By performing our duties with excellence, ethics, and love, we testify to Christ's love and contribute to societal transformation. 

C.S. Lewis, whom I confess my admiration for, was one of the most renowned Christian writers and apologists of the 20th century, known for works such as "The Chronicles of Narnia" and "Mere Christianity." Lewis began his life as a professed atheist and later converted to Christianity, influenced by colleagues like J.R.R. Tolkien and his own intellectual reflections. His faith journey was accompanied by profound personal development as he explored and articulated his understanding of Christian theology. Throughout his life, Lewis continued to grow in his faith and his understanding of Christian spirituality. He faced personal and intellectual challenges, but his pursuit of truth and dedication to his Christian faith led him to become a respected figure in the Christian community and beyond. 

Moreover, Lewis also demonstrated significant growth in his ability to communicate and explain Christian principles in an accessible and persuasive manner, making him one of the most influential apologists of the 20th century. His example of personal development and spiritual growth continues to inspire many to this day. 

Personal Development: Investing in Yourself 

Investing in your personal development is essential for growth in Christ. This includes dedicating time to reading the Bible, prayer, meditation, study, and participating in activities that contribute to your spiritual and intellectual growth. Seeking knowledge, improving your skills, and developing your emotional intelligence are valuable tools for a fruitful life. 

Transformative Relationships: Community and Mentoring 

Surrounding yourself with people who encourage you to grow in Christ is crucial. Being part of a vibrant community like Tent International offers support, friendship, and learning opportunities. Mentoring with a mature Christian can also be an invaluable resource to guide you on your growth journey. 

Go Discover: A Journey of Discovery and Transformation 

Tent International has developed the "Go Discover" program, a group mentoring program designed for those who wish to explore more deeply how to become "tentmakers." Lasting for six months, it includes monthly meetings of 1.5 to 2 hours and complementary weekly activities to investigate aspects such as self-awareness, identity in God, personal responsibility, confidence in oneself and in God, and planning. The program utilizes assessment tools and techniques from mentoring, counseling, and coaching, as well as a spiritual approach based on biblical principles. All participants receive proposed action plans and complementary materials, with monthly meetings being mandatory. If you desire to deepen your spiritual journey and develop skills to impact the world around you, consider joining "Go Discover." Contact us [click here] for the contact form. 

Personal growth is a continuous journey that begins with a transformative encounter with Jesus Christ. By dedicating ourselves to developing an intimate relationship with Him, seeking knowledge, serving others, and participating in a faith community, we will experience an abundant and impactful life. 

So, once again, I want to encourage you to join us in our Tent International community and embark on a journey of personal and ministerial growth. Join our WhatsApp community [link], access our online resources, and seek mentoring with us in our programs. Discover how Christians can glorify God in their daily occupation as students, workers, professionals, and entrepreneurs! Let us together impact the world through the love of Christ! 


Develop your God-given skills guided by Jesus


Let Jesus redeem your work