Develop your God-given skills guided by Jesus

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7 (NIV)

Living in Christ is a wonderful journey filled with inspiring prospects for the future. By accepting Christ, we embrace a new life where we experience His love intensely and understand His teachings more deeply. Along this path arises a blessed challenge: personal development. Growing in the Christian community is crucial, as is nurturing our individual growth that allows us to develop our God-given design.

This pursuit of growth encompasses various areas of life, such as emotional, intellectual, professional, spiritual, and physical, acquiring an eternal dimension and honoring God. Investing in our personal development in light of Christ's teachings is essential. However, it is vital to remember that, in this journey, we must also care for others. Whether pursuing academic education, professional enhancement, or leisure moments, it is fundamental to reflect: "How can I demonstrate love to others? How would Jesus act in this situation?”

In our article "Transform Your Life: Embracing Personal Growth Found in Scripture," we explore the examples of the apostle Paul and C.S. Lewis, who underwent significant personal development. You can access the article by clicking here if you haven't read it yet.

Another inspiring biblical example is Daniel, known for his intelligence, integrity, and wisdom. Interpreting dreams and visions for King Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel gained favor and recognition in the Babylonian court (Daniel 2). Due to his reputation and capability, he was appointed one of the kingdom's chief administrators (Daniel 6:3), demonstrating how faith in God can powerfully influence personal development.

Let us actively seek to develop all areas of life, applying Christ's principles to our journey. Let us commit to excellence, developing our talents for God's glory and others' benefit.

Lord, I thank you for the opportunity to live in Christ, grounded in your word. Guide me in my personal growth, following Christ's example and allowing your spirit to lead me. Empower me to honor you in all I do, loving my neighbor and demonstrating your grace in every interaction.


Excellence has the power to transform a Christian's life


Transform Your Life: Embracing Personal Growth found in scripture