21 reasons for celebrating

Tent turns 21 today! Here are 21 good reasons for celebrating:

1. Kingdom ambassadors: For 21 years Tent has empowered and sent professionals, businesspeople and students with the Gospel. Those who have taken Tent's courses have gone to more than 80 nations to serve God through life and work.

2. Tent Dominicana: Tent Dominicana started as a national Tent-branch in 2014. Traditionally the Dominican republic has been a receiver of missionaries. Tent Dominicana works to empower the churches to send tentmakers so they can all be contributors in God's global mission.

3. GO Experience: Tent's GO Experience program was created by Tent Brazil. The seminar gives a short but solid introduction to tentmaking.

4. Tent India: Tent India was launched in 2016 and aims at recruiting and training Indian tentmakers. India is the center of gravity for unreached people groups. Most of them can be reached if people from India move to new places to work and serve God.

5. GO Equipped: Tent held its first international GO Equipped course in 2005. Since then the GO Equipped courses have had a tremendous growth. Now we have annual courses on five continents.

6. Tent Nigeria: Tent Nigeria was founded in 2018 and focuses on recruiting and training workplace ambassadors from Nigeria. A good number of people has already been sent to other nations.

7. GO Discover: Tent Brazil has developed our web-based GO Discover program. Through 20 course weeks the participants discover more about who they are and what God has called them to.

8. Tent Brasil: Tent Brasil was established in 2018 and focuses on training and sending Brazilian tentmakers. Many Brazilians have already been sent to other nations through Tent Brazil.

9. GO Ahead: GO Ahead is Tent's follow-up program for students, professionals and businesspeople who desire to work or study in other nations. The program helps everyone to develop and fulfil the calling that God has given.

10. Tent Liberia: Tent Liberia was launched in 2019. Our GO Equipped courses in Liberia gather more people than anywhere else in the world.

11. GO Together: GO Together is Tent's mentor-based follow-up program for active tentmakers. Monthly mentoring sessions help those who have gone to stay focused and solve issues they are facing.

12. Tent South Africa: Tent South Africa was established in 2020 and aims at empowering and sending a good number of tentmakers in the years to come.

13. International collaboration: Tent plays central roles in several international units. Amongst others Tent heads Lausanne's network for tentmaking.

14. Global Intent/Tent USA: Global Intent played an important role and helped Tent to get off-ground 21 years ago. Today Global Intent is a fully integrated member in the Tent family and is often referred to as Tent USA.

15. Tent Language Academy: Tent Language Academy aims at giving people better English skills. This is often needed to get international jobs.

16. Tent Norway: Tent Norway was established as an entity on its own in 2019. The company will lift up again the vision Tent had when it got started. At that time Tent focused on training and sending Norwegian tentmakers.

17. Online courses: For several years Tent has had a desire to develop web-based courses. The Covid 19-pandemic gave us the opportunity to fulfil this dream. Now everyone who wants to, can access Tent's courses through internet.

18. Tent Niger: Tent Niger plans to start in 2022 and will help the churches in Niger to take part in the global mission work.

19. Tent's mentors: A good number of people have signed up to be mentors in Tent. They all serve current tentmakers and tentmakers-to-be. Their work builds Tent's capacity and help us to reach further.

20. New nations: Several new nations have a desire to empower and send tentmakers. The past month we have had GO Equipped courses in Germany and Slovakia. Next year new courses are planned in many other nations where Tent is currently not present.

21. The future: Christian professionals, businesspeople and students are welcome in all nations. This is why we believe these are key groups God will use to fulfil the great commission. With God's help, and through the hard work of Tent's global team, we want to serve and empower those who desire to share Jesus with others through life and work. Our dream is that there should be at least one Christian colleague in all workplaces all around the world.

Thank you for your contribution to Tent's work throughout these 21 years!

Join the birthday celebration by praying a prayer for Tent today.

Click here if you want to send Tent a birthday present!

God bless you!

All the best from

Tent international

PS: Click here to read the touching story on how God used a five year old boy to get Tent started.


Young adults may change the way we do missions


“GO Equipped fills a vacuum”