GO Equipped ready in online format


If you act quickly, you can still join the course that started this week. Registrations are open till Friday.

The web-based course has been planned for years, but high demand for the live version of GO Equipped has made it difficult to set aside to develop the highly acclaimed course for an online format. The Corona-pandemic has changed the picture. Module 1 of the online course is already developed and tested on a group of 20 participants. The first full run of the module started this week.

“Registrations close on Friday, so there is still room to sign up,” says Tent Nigeria’s director, Victor Agbonkpolor.

He was one of the participants when directors in the Tent-family got together for a global summit in Bergen in September last year. One item stood out as a primary need after the planning meetings: The need for an online version of Go Equipped. Many tentmakers that are already on the missionary field need tools and content to support their daily activity. Waiting for the next classroom course that might be held in a location far away, is not ideal.

“Right after the meeting we created a small team to work on and adapt the content to an online format. We divided the course in units and decided to have the introduction module as our minimum viable product (MVP)”, shares Borges.

People from several Tent offices took be part in the free trial run of the course that started in the end of January.

“The trial run gave us valuable feedback that we use to improve the course,” says Tent Brazil’s director. Just as the trial came to an end, the Covid19-pandemic caused international traffic to slow down and many nations to impose travel bans. Planned GO Equipped courses in Nigeria, Norway, Germany and South Africa were all cancelled.

“It seems like God gave us 6 weeks to prepare to this new world scenario,” says Victor Agbonkpolor.

The full live courses have 30+ sessions of teaching. The online course is divided in six modules of six weeks each. According to Steinar Opheim, Tent International’s director, all six modules will be available by the end of 2020.

“We will continue to run live courses as soon as the Corona travel bans are over. The online course will however increase our capacity and make the course available for a much wider audience. We look forward to empowering more professionals, businesspeople and students than ever before in the coming years,” says Opheim. For further information and registration go to: http://tentinternational.org/events/onlinegoequipped


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