An invitation

Devotional, week 9

“After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. “Follow me,” Jesus said to him, 28 and Levi got up, left everything and followed him. Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them.” (Luke 5:27-29, NIV)

“Did you bring food today?” This is how we ask when we want to invite someone for lunch at my workplace. I work in the city center of a big city. Few of my colleagues go home for lunch. I can thus enjoy good times around the lunch table with my colleagues nearly every day.  

Levi promptly obeyed when he was called by Jesus to follow him. The story about Levi is a wonderful expression of God’s grace. Levi, a tax collector and sinner, did not resist the call of Christ. Instead, he immediately followed Jesus. He still did not abandon his social relationships but continued to relate to his family and friends. One day he offered dinner for several people in his home. Numerous co-workers and friends were invited to celebrate a good meal with him. Levi also invited his new friends, Jesus and his disciples. Jesus accepted the invitation and went to eat with them. He sat down at the table and talked to the other guests.  

The Bible expresses how some people were envious because they had not been invited to Levi’s party. Their attitude helps us to understand the true motivation of Jesus. He explains to them that his mission in this world is to call sinners to repent.  

How wonderful it is to see that Jesus came into the world to sit at the table with us and call us to repentance. Levi, after meeting Jesus, created an opportunity to introduce friends and colleagues to Christ and his salvation by inviting them to his home.  

How about you? Do you share such good times with your friends? Do you give them an opportunity to “sit at the table” with Christ? Are there changes you need to make in your life to introduce Jesus to those around you who do not know him?  


Let us pray! Lord, lead me to share You with those around me, and show Your gracious hospitality to them. 


The mission statement


Salt and light