Christian Integrity: How to Stay Faithful to God at Work and in Life
Devotional week 10
Integrity is precious, but it is not always easy. In a world where people bend the truth to get ahead—where businesses make false promises, leaders twist facts, and even social media encourages us to show only the best parts of our lives—choosing honesty can feel tough. But integrity is not about being perfect; it is about being real, standing for what is right, even when no one is watching.

Living by God’s Standards to Shape Culture
Devotional week 9
The director of Tent International, Steinar Opheim, once shared a remarkable story from his time in Central Asia. In that country, corruption was a normal part of life, and many people struggled to find honest work. Wanting to make a difference, he and his team started a microfinance institution to help people grow small businesses. But they did not just want to provide financial support—they wanted to do business in a way that honored God.

Standing For Truth in a World of Compromise
Devotional week 8
During my first year at university, someone in the school fellowship shared the story of the three Hebrew boys who refused to bow to the golden image (Daniel 3:16-19). I remember being amazed by their boldness, but one part stood out to me: “But even if He does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up” (Daniel 3:18).

Make Good Work: Serving Christ in Every Task
Devotional week 7
In 2023, I had the incredible opportunity to travel outside my country for the very first time. It was also my first experience flying, and I was beyond thrilled. What made it even more remarkable was that I was visiting one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Despite arriving during the winter season, the scenery was breathtaking. Deep down, I did not want to leave. But of course, I had to—after all, I was just a visitor.

Representing Christ at Work: How Your Actions Reflect Christ
Devotional week 6
It was a Friday evening, and I was staring at my computer, feeling defeated. I had made a big mistake on a project for an important client. My oversight meant delays for them, and it was too late to fix it before the weekend.

Work as Worship – Aligning Our Hearts with God’s Plan
Devotional week 5
Imagine walking into your workplace or starting your tasks for the day, not simply as a worker, student, or business owner, but as a worshipper. How would this change the way you view the mundane tasks, challenging projects, or even the people you interact with?

Finding Meaning in Work as We Reflect God’s Plan
Devotional week 4
It was early morning, and the Garden of Eden was alive with the songs of birds and the gentle rustle of leaves. Adam stood among the trees, marvelling at the beauty of creation. Yet, his heart was not idle. Work was to be done—plants to grow, animals to name, and the land to care for. This work was not a burden but a purpose, a divine invitation to partner with God in caring for the masterpiece He had created.

Identity – Living out who we are in Christ through our work
Devotional week 3
As we continue to reflect on the purpose of work within God’s plan, it is essential to remember that our identity in Christ is the foundation for all we do—including our work. Far too often, the world defines people by their job titles, achievements, or the size of their salaries, creating a subtle trap. As a child, I often heard the question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Consciously or unconsciously, this leads us to place work on a pedestal it was never meant to occupy. This does not mean that work is unimportant—it is, after all, a significant part of our lives. However, as Christians, our identity is not anchored in titles or accomplishments but in Christ.

Discovering the Purpose of Work in God’s Plan
Devotional week 2
In many countries, it is customary to make plans for the coming year as the current year draws to a close. These plans often include improving health, buying a house or car, getting out of debt, or finding a new job or additional income. The possibilities are vast and deeply personal. However, we must not forget one question: How does God's plan for our life align with our personal goals? Or, better still, are our plans shaped by the larger perspective of God's purposes?

Faith and Work: Reflecting on the Year and Trusting God for What’s Ahead
Devotional week 1
As we look back with gratitude and move forward in faith, we are invited to reflect on how God has been present in every aspect of our lives—our families, communities, and especially our workplaces. It’s a time to give thanks for the blessings we’ve experienced, acknowledge the lessons we’ve learned, and recognise the challenges we’ve overcome.

Missional Living: Bringing Christ into the Workplace
As we draw closer to Christmas, many of us find ourselves in quieter offices or enjoying shorter workdays. These moments of pause present a unique opportunity to reflect on the incredible mission we celebrate this season—God sending His Son into the world.

Reflecting God’s Justice This Advent
The birth of Jesus ushered in a kingdom of justice and peace. As Isaiah 9:6-7 foretells, Christ’s reign is marked by righteousness and fairness. Similarly, Amos 5:24 calls us to "let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream."

Embracing Humility and Service This Advent
As we journey through Advent, reflecting on the life of Jesus brings a fresh perspective to our work. In Mark 10:45, we see the heart of Christ's mission: "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many."

Faith and Work: Transforming the Workplace Through Christ This Advent
The birth of Jesus marks the ultimate expression of God’s love and His commitment to redeem and restore His creation. From the manger in Bethlehem, God demonstrated His plan to work through Christ to bless the world. This same mission extends to us today in our work.

Ministering Grace and Love at Work
Corrie ten Boom’s story of forgiveness is one of the most remarkable examples of ministering grace and love. After enduring the horrors of Ravensbrück concentration camp, where she lost her sister Betsie, Corrie dedicated her life to sharing God’s message of forgiveness.

Shaping Culture with Faith and Patience
In constructing a block toy, each small and seemingly insignificant piece plays a crucial role in the final outcome. This process, with all its challenges, reminds us of the work of shaping culture in our workplaces. Just as we carefully assemble each layer of the toy, we, as Christians, can gradually influence the culture around us.

Living as Christian Messengers of Truth and Justice in Today’s World
In today’s world, where truth is often blurred and justice seems elusive, Christians are called to stand out as messengers of God’s unchanging values. As followers of Christ, we are entrusted with the responsibility to live out the truth of the Gospel in every aspect of our lives—our homes, our workplaces, and our communities.

Glorifying God through Our Work
In a world where work can often feel monotonous and uninspiring, it’s essential to remember that our daily tasks are not merely jobs; they are opportunities to glorify God and share Christ with those around us. Our work, no matter how small or ordinary, is a powerful witness to God’s character when approached with dedication and integrity.

Representing Christ at Work
Often, we may wonder how to serve God through our professions. How can we bear witness to Christ when we spend much of our time in work environments? The answer lies in how we position ourselves: we are ambassadors for Christ, called to represent His Kingdom wherever we are.

The Power of Active Listening
Recently, in prayer, I was reminded of my own stubbornness, much like a toddler wanting to do things my way, only to later wonder why I struggle to hear God. This led me to see that I approach interactions with people similarly—focusing on my own agenda instead of truly listening. It is a humbling realization that challenges me to communicate more thoughtfully as a Christian professional.