God's Goodness

The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth. Exodus 34:6 (NKJV) 

 This fall I have read two books by Nik Ripken (not his real name). In the "Insanity of God," he talks about a visit to Russia where he met Dmitri who had been in prison for 17 years. HIs problems with the police started when he and his wife decided to gather their little family for a regular time of Bible reading, worship, and praise. The neighbors heard them, and some asked if they could join. Soon 75 people were meeting in their home. This brought Dmitri in trouble with the secret police and finally he was put in prison.  

 There he had two rituals: Every morning he got up, stood by his bed, and sang a song of worship. If he could get hold of paper, he wrote down Bible verses that he remembered by heart. The first days when he sang, the other prisoners mocked him and treated him badly. He continued anyway.  

 This ritual touched my heart. It is all about praising God under all conditions. Looking at my situation I found so much to thank God for. Inspired by Dmitri I looked for a song that I could praise God with first thing in the morning, before I have breakfast and prepare to go to work. I soon found one called «The goodness of God», and I started singing it accompanied by CeCe Winans on my phone.  

 I love You, Lord 
For Your mercy never fails me 
All my days, I've been held in Your hands 
From the moment that I wake up 
Until I lay my head 
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God

I also love this part of the song:  

Your goodness is running after, it's running after me.

 In the first translation, I remember hearing of Psalm 23:6, that “running after” was used instead of “follow”: 

Surely goodness and mercy shall run after me (follow me) all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.  

Do you want to join me in this new morning ritual? 


Are there things in your morning habits that you should change to spend time with God, worship him, or just get tuned in to his will for your day? 


Dear God, thank you that we can worship you throughout the day, including in the morning. Help me to start my day in meaningful fellowship with you.  


What is that in your hand?

