Migrating with Love and Understanding: Following the Example of Jesus

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV)

My wife and I have moved to a country in Southeast Asia for work. In other words, we have become foreigners in a very different land. As Westerners, we are learning to live in an Asian culture. Cuisine, language, traditions, family structure, and social norms differ from ours in many aspects and have led us, to some extent, to a challenging adaptation process. Even after two years, we continue to learn the nuances of this rich, hospitable, and unique culture.

One example from daily life is that we must consider how we show affection in public. In my country, hugging is a prevalent form of greeting and expression of affection. People often hug when meeting friends, family, and even acquaintances. But in the context where we find ourselves now, a hug can be seen as invasive, inappropriate, or indiscreet.

At work, the challenges are also significant. Misunderstandings and problems quickly arise, for instance, due to language or how hierarchy is perceived at work. A curious detail about the culture here is the avoidance of conflicts. A clash of interests or ideas is avoided as much as possible.

With all of this, living in another country and being exposed to the daily routine of the local culture has provided us with an exciting and enriching experience. It has also taught us a lot about humility, understanding, and respect for others, as reminded by Philippians 2:3-4. Cultivating empathy and understanding is essential in a context of cultural diversity, promoting harmony and mutual respect. Thus, we can reflect on the example of Christ and be instruments of His love in this world. We are learning and understanding how they live, with all that is good, but also with their flaws. We also learn more about our culture's good and bad aspects.

Understanding the negative aspects and the imperfections of the culture that we live in is also essential. Humans have fractures because of sin, valid anywhere on the planet. Understanding this, with love, is fundamental. When we witness these flaws, these moments are crucial moments to share the love of Christ.

Where we live, we have already had some opportunities to witness and to take a stand. It's not always easy, but God has constrained and instigated love for this nation in us. This means everything, both in times of trouble and joy.


Jesus taught us to love and respect everyone, regardless of their origin. What people in your community do you struggle to relate to? How can you get a closer relationship with these people?


Dear God, grant me the grace to act like Jesus, loving and respecting others, regardless of their culture or origin. Help me cultivate empathy and understanding to be an instrument of your love.


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