Rest with Jesus

Devotional, week 16

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Mt 11:28, NIV)

This one verse from the Bible reportedly leads more Muslims to Jesus than any other. Why is that?

Many people focus on what they can do for Jesus. Resting is not seen as something positive. When we take time off, we may sense that opportunities for serving Jesus pass us by. In the Bible we can however read how Jesus, amid pressure, invited his disciples to come with Him to rest (Mark 6:30-31). Jesus obviously gave priority to taking breaks, even when demands on His time and attention where high.  

It is a very good idea to follow Jesus’ example in this. According to the ten commandments, God gave us six days to work and one day to rest every week (Exodus 20:8-11). For most of us this is the recipe to follow if we want to live a life in balance. The weekly day of rest helps us to re-connect with our inner being, with the people around us and with God. It also reminds us that we are not saved through our works, but by grace through our relationship with Jesus.  

The Bible’s message about grace is revolutionary. When we find this grace, we also find the deep rest that Jesus speaks about. No religion can offer this. Only Jesus can.  

Are you weary or do you carry heavy burdens? Then let Matthew 11:28 speak into your life this week. Bring what you have to Jesus and experience how he gives you freedom and rest.  


Let’s pray! Father, teach me to not trust in my own strength, and draw my strength and restoration from You. 


God’s definition of rest


You before me