What Drives Your Life? Insights for Bible-Centred Life

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. - Psalm 119:105 (NIV)

Have you ever paused to ask yourself: what drives your life? Our daily responsibilities, personal desires, and relationships often consume much of our week. It’s easy to get absorbed in this routine. We aim to build a career, start a family, or pursue ministry passionately.

Success and prosperity are fulfilling, but reflecting on how much God and His teachings influence every aspect of our lives is essential.

The Bible is our manual for discovering God's plans through its history and revelations made through Jesus Christ. Regular study and meditation on the Bible should be central to our daily lives.

Let's explore the characteristics of Bible-centred people and consider how to develop them:

  • Love and Reverence for the Bible - Holding the scriptures in the highest esteem, they seek to understand and apply biblical teachings daily.

  • Unshakeable Faith Despite Human Frailty - Their faith in God remains steadfast, trusting in His promises and His sovereign plan.

  • Constant Prayer as a Lifeline - Prayer is the foundation of their relationship with God, seeking guidance and strength through communication with Him.

  • Striving for Obedience with Humility - They seek to live according to biblical teachings, embracing principles of love, justice, integrity, and compassion.

  • Active Participation in the Faith Community - Actively engaged in worship, study, and service, they support and encourage their fellow believers.

  • Evangelism and Mission with Compassion - Sharing their faith naturally, they have a heart for those who do not yet know Christ.

  • Pursuit of Spiritual Growth - Committed to growing in their faith, they dedicate time to study and meditate on God’s Word.

  • Discernment and Wisdom from God - Relying on biblical principles, they seek God’s wisdom in decision-making and offer wise counsel to others.

  • Exhibiting the Fruit of the Spirit - Their lives reflect the fruit of the Spirit, evidencing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

  • Humility and Submission to God’s Will - Acknowledging their dependence on God, they submit to His will with a humble heart.


Nobody's perfect and we all slip up in one way or another. Living out all the characteristics outlined above is a challenge to some extent, but something to strive for and embody. This week, commit to reading and meditating on one chapter of the Bible each day. Reflect on how its teachings can influence your decisions and actions.


Lord, help us to centre our lives on Your Word. Give us the strength to remain faithful, the wisdom to follow Your guidance, and the humility to seek Your grace. May our lives reflect Your love and truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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