What was so important that Moses had to write it down for Joshua to hear?

Read Exodus 17:8-17

'Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure that Joshua hears it because I will completely blot out the name of Amalek from under heaven.” Exodus 17:14 (NIV) 

My ups and downs as a small business owner had me ask the question of what I should do differently many times. After yet another challenge, I went back to scripture to see where I needed to adjust my leadership style. And the Bible did not disappoint. I read the passage in Exodus 17:14: “Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure that Joshua hears it." I had to hear what was so important that Moses had to write it down for Joshua to hear. I came to the following conclusion.

It is easy to think I am doing the work as I should. My boss or leader may be nowhere to be seen, so I cannot ask or guidance. We can easily forget that our mentors have their battles to fight, and they also get tired. As a mentor, it is easy to think that because I am the leader, I can not show weakness or become tired. Some mentors feel the responsibility of leadership so strongly that they think they are not supposed to get tired because they know God and have been appointed, but God shows that to feel this way is normal. We will get tired, and we will get overwhelmed, but this is the reason why we need people to pray with us and help us keep our focus on God and the task at hand.

The most important while someone is fighting the battle someone has to keep on praying because they have to focus on the work at hand. Mentors need mentors, and mentees become mentors. This is why God said Moses must write it down. None of us can fight the battle alone. "I would rather do it myself, then I know it gets done" is not the model God wants us to follow. God made sure that Moses penned this valuable lesson for us to remember.


In what area of your life do you think that your mentor is not supporting you? Can you consider praying that he will be surrounded by people that will keep him standing?

Are you alone? Do you have people who surround you to keep your arms up?


Heavenly Father, thank You for the examples of leadership and mentorship in your word. Help us to be leaders who empower and support others, mentors who guide with wisdom and love, and a community that holds each other up. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


Igniting Faith: Embracing Mentorship Through the Example of Paul and Timothy


The Essential Role of Mentoring for Tentmaking