Commanded to rest

Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of rest dedicated to the Lord your God.   

Ex 20:8–10, NLT 

I do not regard myself as a legalist. When it comes to observing one day off per week, I am however strict. For my family and me, as for most Christians around the world, Sunday has been our holy day of the week. In our home, both people and machines rest on this day, and WhatsApp-messages and emails are left unanswered. I believe this has kept my life in balance – also in times when the work pressure has peaked.  

Many people see laws and regulations as limitations. With God’s laws it is different. The 10 commandments start with God introducing himself. He says, “I am the Lord your God, who rescued you from the land of Egypt, the place of your slavery” (Ex 20:2, NLT). It is as he is telling us that he has led us out of bondage, and that our freedom is kept if we follow his laws. Many of us can testify that this is true. Keeping God’s laws give liberty, whereas breaking them leads to “slavery”.  

The same applies to the 10 commandments regulations for work. The work-rest balance that the commandments give us, is at the ration of 6 to 1. God gave us six days to work and one day to rest. Keeping this balance, will give freedom. Breaking it, can lead us into trouble.  

It is interesting to observe how this one-day-off-per-week rule is lost in many societies.  

God’s laws will always be under pressure. When speaking to Eve in the garden of Eden, the serpent’s main question was: “Did God really say…?” The same voice speaks into our lives today as well, questioning God’s guidance and offering temptations that it can be difficult to say now to. Did God really say that you should take one day off every week? Wouldn’t you make more money and gain more wealth if you start working every day? 

The answer to the first question is yes. God did ask us to, or command us to, take one day of rest every week. The answer to the second one might be more unclear. You may gain more wealth if you work every day. You will however also have to face the consequences of disrespecting God’s boundaries. Overwork often distorts the perspective of what the most important things in life are, and we can easily lose the life that God intended you to have. 

Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (Jn 10:10, NIV). 


To what extent are you setting aside one day per week to focus on rest and on fellowship with God and the people around you? Are there any changes you need to make to observe the day of rest in a better way? 


Dear father, thank you for the good and life-keeping boundaries you have given us. Help me to follow your laws, so I can fully enjoy the life you intended me to have.  



Guided on the Journey: Trusting the Lord's Path


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