Do not worry

Text: Matthew 6:25 – 34. 

So I tell you, do not worry about everyday life--whether you have enough food, drink, and clothes. Doesn't life consist of more than food and clothing? Matt.6.25 [NLT] 

It is remarkable to note that Jesus’ teaching on worry was not exclusively to the affluent and powerful, but also to the “poor”. Most people who listened to the sermon on the mount were probably not wealthy. For some, what they earned each day was all they had to live on for the next day.  

Those who are poor cannot be guilty of hoarding earthly riches since they do not even know where their next meal will come from. But Jesus illustrates in this verse that material possessions may consume even the poorest of people. It is possible for everyone to start serving money rather than God (Matthew 6:24).

To the poor, Jesus applies this by reminding them not to be anxious about the money they do not have. He commands His followers not to worry about their lives, including what they will eat or drink or wear. Jesus points out that life is about more than this. God has purposes for us beyond such temporary details.  

Jesus is not telling His followers to quit their jobs. He is not telling them to simply sit idly and wait for God to supernaturally provide. Nor is He suggesting that it is wrong to earn money to provide for our families. He is not telling His followers they should not wisely save for future needs. Rather, he encourages the people to take control of what is going on in their minds and hearts, and see the challenges become opportunities to do even better. 

Just like the people in the time of Jesus, we are not completely shielded from the challenges in our modern day. His words still resound deeply today, “Do not worry.” 

For me, the words “Do not worry” speaks deeper than comfort. It is an assurance in Christ, and total reliance in His will, guidance, and help. I am filled with strength to get better and do more when I channel my energy to other meaningful things than worry. 


“Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?” Matthew 6:27 


Dear God, thank you for caring deeply about me. Help my heart to know this and find rest in you alone. Amen 


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