Heavenly GPS

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. Jn 14:6 (NLT) 

Finding our way to a destination could either be a pleasure or a nightmare, depending on your personality. Different phobias could hinder us from reaching our port of call. I recall arriving at a university campus to locate a professor's office but ended up making "an Israelite journey" - straying away from the office that was so close by, to other offices far away. I wasted precious time due to ignorance of my destination, asking people who had no idea or wrong ideas of where I was heading. 

The GPS has become part of our lives, easing our daily movements. In John 14:6, Jesus's conversation with His disciples reveal we can only access God, our heavenly Father, and heaven through Him. Why? Jesus is the only way, the truth, and the life. In Acts 17:28 Paul says, “for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said. For we are also His offspring” [NKJV]. 

In effect, if we allow, Jesus will totally influence our lives as we yield to Him. In other words. Like the songwriter says  

This world is not my home 
I'm just a passing through 
My treasures are laid up 
Somewhere beyond the blue 

The angels beckon me 
From heaven's open door 
And I can't feel at home 
In this world anymore

(Jim Reeves) 

Jesus promised the indwelling presence, comfort, and empowerment of the Holy Spirit to everyone who believes in Him (Jn. 14:15-16). The Holy Spirit, like the GPS, gives us the natural and spiritual true north, connects us with God in fellowship, guides our thoughts, footsteps, and actions, and embolden and synergies us with others (Acts 9: 1-22). 

Jesus promised never to leave us. Remember always to stay connected with the Holy Spirit. 


How is your connection to the Holy Spirit? What things in your life hinder your direct connection with him? What can you do to remove these obstacles? 


Dear Jesus, help me to identify things in my life that hinder my direct communication with you. Help me also to have these things removed, so I can fully serve you the way you intend me to.  

George Daniel-Oghenetega 




Do not worry