Five questions that can help you re-discover the purpose of your work

We know you are busy. This article, however, will take you less than ten minutes to read, and it can help you rediscover the purpose of your work. 

Starting a new year can be both joyful and overwhelming. The new year is filled with untapped opportunities, yet it is also replete with challenges. Furthermore, the turn of a year reminds us of life's fragility. The years pass swiftly, and this speed seems to increase as we grow older. Regardless of whether we succeed in our endeavours, nagging questions often surface as the years go by. What is the purpose of it all? 

“Life is hard, and then you die” is a widely quoted proverb that highlights the absence of a clear sense of purpose. The question “Is there more to life than this?” featured prominently in a promotional video for the Alpha course several years ago, reflecting the sentiments of many individuals. According to Alpha and the Bible, the answer to this question is a definitive “yes”. 

Here are five reflection questions that can help you find purpose in life.

1. How is your work connected to the greater story?

Most of us desire our work to be meaningful. Purpose is often found when we recognise that what we do is vital for others. Can you quickly highlight how your job is essential for those around you, your community, or your nation? If not, exploring this connection can be a good idea. Seek the assistance of others if needed. 

For followers of Jesus, understanding the link between our work and what God desires for our societies is essential. This connection is clear for some professions but more complex for others. Teachers can focus on how they prepare the next generation to lead society. A nurse or doctor may recognise their role in God’s healing ministry. But what about those working as stockbrokers or tram conductors? Are they also part of God’s plan, and is their work vital to the broader society? 

The answer is yes. We can serve God in everything we do. In Genesis chapter 2, we read about how God placed mankind in the Garden of Eden “to work it and take care of it” (v. 15). We believe God created society, and our “garden” is where He has placed us. Now, we are called to work and care for this environment. 

There is a link between what you do and what is essential in your society. There is also a link between what you do and what God wants done. When we find these links, we can see the overall importance of our work. This can, in turn, help us find a deeper purpose in everything. 

2. How does your design fit with what you are doing?

We usually choose our professions when we are young. Many motives influence these important decisions. We may, for instance, seek prestige or a good income. The Bible describes what may happen when we apply wrong motives. 

The people in the city of Babel, whom we can read about in Genesis chapter 11, desired to build a big tower because they wanted “to make a name for themselves.” In other words, they wanted to become something great through their work. This is not necessary for people who are created in God's image. We already have God's approval and do not need to link our identity to our work or what we can accomplish. Instead, we can remind ourselves that we are children of God and created in his image with the skills and personalities he wanted us to have. Instead of pursuing status or money, we can start by looking at how he made us and choose vocations that fit his design. We enjoy life more if we can work on things we are good at. 

In my country, many people take a second education in their late thirties or early forties. They are said to choose their first education based on status, whereas the second one is based on interest and skills. We would all do better if we could choose our vocations based on our design immediately. 

So, now it is up to you to consider: To what extent does your design align with your work? Are you in the right place professionally, or should you make a change? 

3. How is your work aligned with your values?

In Tent’s cross-cultural training, we emphasise that cultures possess multiple layers. One layer is our behaviour—how we act. We notice the differences as soon as we arrive in a foreign place. To adapt, we observe how people behave and endeavour to imitate their actions. Our focus is on the outward aspects, on how things are carried out. 

However, a deeper layer of culture explains why people act as they do. It encompasses our values. Our behaviour is shaped by what we perceive as right or wrong. Penetrating a culture deeply enough to understand the motivations behind people's actions can be challenging. 

The innermost layer of a culture is its worldview. The worldview addresses the more profound questions of life. Religious faith forms a part of our worldview, explaining the origin of things and how everything is interconnected. Our values stem from our worldview, which in turn influences our behaviour.

If we do not work in alignment with our values, our sense of fulfilment in what we do will diminish. For instance, if we believe plastic bags are a disaster for the environment, we will not enjoy working in a factory that produces such bags, even if we employ all the skills God has bestowed upon us.  We may also struggle if our company's sole focus is to maximise its owners' profit while our main desire is to provide good and valuable services for people. 

The company culture may also be founded on values that contradict your principles. For instance, the company might have self-serving leaders who prioritise their own interests. Alternatively, the culture could condone actions that you deem morally unacceptable. You might even be asked to engage in behaviours that you consider inappropriate. 

A friend who worked for a construction company was asked to add extra work hours to the invoices he sent out because his company was struggling financially. He objected, arguing that this was equivalent to stealing from customers. Nevertheless, his leaders were not inclined to listen to him. Consequently, he had to resign and seek employment with another company. 

We must consider whether the work we do and the company we work for align with our values. Blessed is the one who experiences this. To regain peace and fulfilment, you may need to change jobs if there is a significant gap between what you stand for and how the company operates. 

4. How is your balance between work and rest?

Finding the right balance between work and rest is not easy. Many of us want to perform well, and when we engage in activities we enjoy, we are often willing to put in extra hours when necessary. There is nothing wrong with this. The issue arises when we neglect to rest. In an era where productivity is valued above all else, we can easily overlook what is perceived as unproductive time. 

As a sportsman, I learned a valuable lesson about work and rest. Many people believe that exercise makes us stronger. This is only partly true. Exercise wears the body out, while resting builds it up. So, it is the combination of workouts and enough rest that makes us stronger and more fit. 

The same applies to work. We need to rest sufficiently to perform well. Working without adequate rest is unsustainable in the long run. God provided a clear indicator for a balanced life between work and rest: six days for work and one day for rest each week. Therefore, to maintain balance in our lives, we should ensure one proper day of rest weekly. When we disregard this principle and overwork, everything gradually becomes a burden. Even small tasks can feel overwhelming, and activities we once enjoyed morph into mere obligations we must fulfil. 

How do you balance work and rest? Are you able to take at least one day off work each week? If not, how might you restore a healthy balance in your life?

5. How does your job situation fit with your character?

Cambridge Dictionary defines our character as “the particular combination of things about a person or place, especially things you cannot see, that make that person or place different from others.”

If you are people-oriented but your job does not allow you to take the extra minutes to relate to those around you, you may find yourself in the wrong place. If you struggle to arrive on time for appointments and work, you might not be the best news anchor or emergency doctor. You may not feel at home as a caretaker if you lack compassion. Instead, seek a job that aligns with the character God has bestowed upon you. 

Through our work, we are called to exemplify God’s character as his ambassadors and co-workers (1 Pet 2:9). Some character traits we are encouraged to embody include grace, truth, love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Most workplaces will honour and appreciate such behaviour. If these traits result in difficulties where you are, you must consider whether you have found the right workplace. 

We believe God wants everyone to experience fulfilment and purpose in their work. If this is not your reality now, please carefully and prayerfully review the points above and decide to make needed changes according to God's direction. God may call us to stay in difficult places to demonstrate who He is, so ask him before you make any drastic decisions.

May God bless you abundantly as you continue to live and work for him this year!

By Steinar Opheim


Representing Christ at Work: How Your Actions Reflect Christ


Work as Worship – Aligning Our Hearts with God’s Plan