Why on earth did God create work?
Many people think that work is a punishment. God intended it to be a blessing.
Even as children, we may begin to see work as a penalty. If we have done something wrong, our parents may force us to do extra chores. Other experiences and stories may lead us to the same conclusion. In some countries, work for the community can replace time in prison. And we know from wartime that prisoners of war are often forced to work.
But such stories distract us from God's purpose for work. The Bible shows a variety of facets related to work. Taken together, they display how God intended work to be a blessing. Many books have been written on this subject in the last twenty years. This article will highlight only a few essential points. Let us begin the journey.

Five questions that can help you re-discover the purpose of your work
We know you are busy. This article, however, will take you less than ten minutes to read, and it can help you rediscover the purpose of your work.
Starting a new year can be both joyful and overwhelming. The new year is filled with untapped opportunities, yet it is also replete with challenges. Furthermore, the turn of a year reminds us of life's fragility. The years pass swiftly, and this speed seems to increase as we grow older. Regardless of whether we succeed in our endeavours, nagging questions often surface as the years go by. What is the purpose of it all?

What we can learn from the most outstanding leader in history
In this article, I want to take you on a journey of self-discovery and growth as we learn from Jesus, the greatest and most influential leader in history. I want to emphasise five values that will ignite a fresh passion for leadership within you.

Work, Worship, and Service: A Fresh Perspective on Work
Avodah (עבודח) is a Hebrew word rich in meaning. It encompasses three fundamental concepts: work, worship, and service. Understanding this word's depth can revolutionise how we view and carry out our daily activities.
For many, work is simply a necessity for survival, a means to make a living. However, by integrating the meanings of avodah, work transcends this limited view, becoming an expression of worship and divine service.

The Essential Role of Mentoring for Tentmaking
Have you ever imagined how great it would be to have someone who can listen to you in a safe and non-judgmental way and also be able to give you advice based on their expertise to help you deal with the challenges in your life? That is exactly what a Mentor can do.

The Connection Between Work, Spirituality, and Environmental Preservation
It is interesting to know that the month of June features several significant international environmental celebrations, such as World Environment Day on June 5, World Oceans Day on June 8, and World Rainforest Day on June 22. These occasions gently remind us of the profound connections between work and the environment, echoing themes found in the book of Genesis.

Transform Your Life: Embracing Personal Growth found in scripture
The desire to grow and develop as individuals is natural and inherent in every human being. We constantly seek to improve our skills, expand our knowledge, and reach our full potential. However, as Christians, we understand that true growth goes beyond professional success or personal fulfillment. The ultimate goal is to become more like Christ, growing in wisdom, love, and spiritual maturity.

Why community matters for professionals and businesspeople
After considering myself a loner for a long time, I came to understand the importance of community after connecting with Christian professionals all over the world.

Four types of love that can change your life and bring joy to your workplace
Valentine’s day puts love at the center of February. Love is, however, much more than the romance we celebrate at the feast of Saint Valentine. Why not use February to learn how love in different forms can change your life and bring joy to your work?
In ancient Greek there are at least seven words for love. Let us focus on four of them and how they can impact our lives.

Come and see the one that was born!
When people in the Western world describe what is often called “the spirit of Christmas” they mention things like love, compassion, care, and fellowship. This is all fine. All these attitudes and feelings are confined in the Biblical record, and Jesus contain all of them. He also comprises much more. The Bible describes him as “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Jesus’ coming cannot be underestimated. He started a new era in world history.

Navigating Cultural Differences in the Light of Faith
If you intend to study or work in another country, understanding intercultural communication is indispensable. As Christians, we are called to spread the Gospel to all nations. But what exactly is intercultural communication? How can we improve our skills in this area while remaining true to our faith?

Reflect Christ's Love at Work
People around us evaluate us by our behaviour. What we say and how we react to things in our daily lives, form their impression of us - and of our faith. This applies also in our workplace. How do you react to pressure, challenges, and frustrations? How are your conversations with your colleagues. How do you respond when something is not working out as you want it to? As Christians, we are called to be light and salt, not only in our churches, but also as professional colleagues.

Where Does God Want Me to Work?
How do I find God’s will for my life? It’s always a pressing question on the college campus, and especially in our day of unprecedented options.

Healthy Heart!
As I reflected on the intentions behind my actions, I noticed my thoughts shifting toward the physical realm. It was during this introspection that I began to realize the connection between my spiritual and natural perspectives.

Daniel can be a role model today
Despite the tragic situation because of Judah's disobedience and the Babylonians conquering, the book relates to the life of a person (or persons) who walks in a different direction than both societies. He does not conform to Babylon's antagonism to the lifestyle imposed by God or Judah's disobedience to God's call.

Can bringing faith to work be a secret weapon to success?
Elize Strauss, Bonne Turner, and Merrel Grootboom are all leaders in Tent South Africa. Here they share their inspiring stories on how bringing faith to work has blessed them and others.

The Little Book that Achieved Much
If you are wondering about God’s view on the importance of work, there is one book you need to read without delay: Andrew Murray’s “How to Work for God”