Friendship in your workplace

“I do not call you servants anymore, because a servant does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have heard from my father.” John 15:15 

Friends understand and appreciate each other. Friends care, and as a result, they can influence each other's lives. The mutual appreciation that arises from friendship creates strong bonds. Friends are present for each other in both good and tough times. In a close friendship there is room for constructive criticism when necessary. 

We can develop friendships in various environments, whether it be in college, school, social settings, in the neighborhood, or, of course, at the workplace. 

I once read an article about the benefits of forming friendships in the workplace. Friendships in the professional environment gives Increased productivity, greater engagement, emotional stability, and healthier interactions.  

Friendships in the corporate setting also give opportunities to show who Jesus is to our coworkers. If the people around us see good fruits of our faith, we will eventually have good talks about faith. Even if your workplace culture does not allow you to talk about faith, the friendships that you develop will give you possibilities to share when you meet with your friends outside of work. 

Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom on how to develop good friendships in the workplace and that this will give you opportunities to reveal the love of Jesus to your colleagues. 


How can you develop better friendships in your workplace? How can you let your relationship to Jesus become more visible among your friends? 

Let us pray! 

Lord, thank you for the friendship I can have with you! Help me to find and cultivate good friendships in my workplace. Create opportunities for sharing my faith and relationship with you among my friends.  


Golden rule and customer care


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