Living as Christian Messengers of Truth and Justice in Today’s World
In today’s world, where truth is often blurred and justice seems elusive, Christians are called to stand out as messengers of God’s unchanging values. As followers of Christ, we are entrusted with the responsibility to live out the truth of the Gospel in every aspect of our lives—our homes, our workplaces, and our communities.

Glorifying God through Our Work
In a world where work can often feel monotonous and uninspiring, it’s essential to remember that our daily tasks are not merely jobs; they are opportunities to glorify God and share Christ with those around us. Our work, no matter how small or ordinary, is a powerful witness to God’s character when approached with dedication and integrity.

Leadership that Gives Glory to God
Nehemiah was a great leader who decided to leave his high position in the government of Artaxerxes, King of Persia, to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the city walls. Equipped with the necessary provisions and supplies, he led the people to work and guard while they were cleaning, organizing, and building the city walls. The Bible says that after 52 days of hard work, they accomplished the task. The wall was back again, ready to provide a safe environment for the Jewish people to live and worship.

Where is your place of Worship?
When we think of a place of worship, our minds naturally gravitate toward images of churches and temples—places where believers gather to praise and thank God. But have you ever considered your workplace as a place of worship?

Transforming Work into Worship: Bringing Your Faith to the Office
Regardless of the environment in which you work—whether in a company led by Christians or not—we must remember that work was instituted by God before the fall. Genesis 2 gives us a glimpse of this divine plan.

My Work. My Worship.
Broken, needy, and alone with a two-year-old baby, I embarked on a new life journey. I got involved in a church that showed me how to worship. They taught me about setting time aside and letting the Word of God speak into my life through music, dance, art, and nature. I learned how confession, forgiveness, and acceptance can happen simultaneously when you fill yourself with the word of God.

Work as service for the Lord
God’s blessings are spread as circles in water when we realise that we serve Jesus in everything we do and start working at things with all our hearts. We are blessed because the understanding that we serve Jesus can bring new joy to our work, even to tasks we dislike.

Embracing Faithful Work
Today, I was discussing work environments across cultural boundaries with a friend. I explained that it is easy to embrace the idea of serving Jesus through your work in settings where work conditions are good. The idea is, however, less appealing for people who live in chronic corrupt societies and for those who struggle to find work or to make ends meet.

What is that in your hand?
In Tent International, it is commonly said that the longest phase in a tentmaker’s journey is the decision-making phase. At this stage, a lot of questions and a fear of the unknown come to the surface. Moses had similar problems.

Steadfast faith in tough times
Living a Christian life amid a world full of challenges, uncertainties and adversities can be an arduous journey. It is easy to feel discouraged and lost during storms in our lives. However, the bible reminds us that faith gives a solid foundation on which we can stand, even when everything around us seems to be falling apart.

On Mission in the Workplace - Overcoming Challenges with Faith and Testimony
As Christians in the workplace, we believe that our faith journey is a powerful witnessing tool? In the midst of hectic routines, pressures and challenges, the way we live our faith can impact the lives of those around us.

A heart for others
“The city of Jerusalem is in ruins and those living in it are in great distress”. These were the words of Hanani, one of the brothers of Nehemiah, accompanied by other men who had just returned from Judah.

Friendship in your workplace
Friends understand and appreciate each other. Friends care, and as a result, they can influence each other's lives. The mutual appreciation that arises from friendship creates strong bonds.

Actively Doing Nothing
In Philippians 4, the apostle Paul encourages the believers in Philippi to always rejoice in the Lord and be anxious for nothing.