Healthy Heart! 

In the past, I used to take pride in sleeping for only 2-4 hours a night and even looked down on those who slept for more than 6 hours. I used to say things like "you can sleep when you're dead," which was not received well by others - and rightfully so. However, I have come to realize the importance of getting enough sleep. 

As I reflected on the intentions behind my actions, I noticed my thoughts shifting toward the physical realm. It was during this introspection that I began to realize the connection between my spiritual and natural perspectives.  

Now, I understand that a good night's sleep is only possible when you have a clear conscience before God and prioritize your physical well-being. This includes practicing integrity, monitoring your thoughts, maintaining a healthy diet, and being physically active.  

As I spent time in prayer and bible study, I realized that I needed to make a second change in my lifestyle - my eating habits. However, I knew that implementing these changes would not happen overnight. I had to renew my mind daily and work hard to make this a permanent part of my routine. 

Similarly, my view regarding exercise also changed. I am now prioritizing exercise, even though I previously struggled to find the time. This is because it was impressed upon my heart while focusing on the Word of God. 

Why am I stating the obvious? 

Our community has been experiencing a heightened sense of vulnerability and fragility lately, due to a noticeable rise in heart attacks or heart disease over the past year. And I was shocked to hear many people blaming God or the Devil for these attacks.  

Sometimes, when we hear about believers experiencing health problems, we may try to find spiritual meaning in it. We might think that the enemy is using their health to prevent them from spreading the gospel. However, we need to remember that the enemy can only come in through an open door. It is our responsibility to close that door and protect ourselves. 

It is not my intention to suggest that any disease is a result of sin or wrongdoing on your part. However, perhaps it is worth considering the importance of our actions and the numerous warnings that God has given us to prevent such afflictions. 

As a tentmaker, we believe that our actions carry more weight than our words. Our utmost priority is to avoid causing offense or passing judgment on others. As ambassadors of Christ, we strive to extend His teachings to every aspect of our lives. This includes having a sound mind when it comes to our health. 

When we find rest in God, we find the rest from God. In Him is the answer, and when we live for Him, we need to do everything in our power not to be irritable or overwhelmed and be the ambassador that pulls people to Him and not away from Him. We must be healthy to stand against many trials and be sure that we are not opening doors that can hinder the spread of the Good News! 

Elize Strauss - Director, Tent South Africa 


Clear eyes , true hearts! 


It is written