It is written

How sweet are your words to my taste; they are sweeter than honey. Your commandments give me understanding; no wonder I hate every false way of life. Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. I've promised it once, and I'll promise again: I will obey your wonderful laws. Psalm 119:103-106 

For some time now in the Children's church where I serve, we have been learning about the word of God. During last week’s meeting, in the course of our learning, one child asked, 'How did Jesus overcome the temptation presented by Satan?' The answer was obvious, but it was significant to me. 

At every response to Satan’s incitement, Jesus always said, 'it is written.' Jesus could have just replied directly without mentioning God’s word, but He (Jesus) knew better. We cannot navigate through life without God's word. 

As the Psalmist admitted, God's word is what gives understanding, illumination, and purpose to our life. How do we find our way in a world where truth is hated and lies celebrated? How do we keep sane when there are more reasons to go insane? How do we stand firm when the ground under us is pulled consistently? Like a lamp lighting the way, God's word will keep us on the right path. 


Dear Lord, you see all the challenges in our time, and you have provided help in your word. Help me to seek and obey. Amen. 


Healthy Heart! 


When life happens