Meetings organized by God #I 

“Peter and John went to the Temple one afternoon to take part in the three o’clock prayer service. As they approached the Temple, a man lame from birth was being carried in. Each day he was put beside the Temple gate, the one called the Beautiful Gate, so he could beg from the people going into the Temple. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for some money.” Acts 3:1–3 (NIV). 

The Bible has many stories about people who seemingly meets randomly. When we look closer at things, we do however see God’s finger behind the encounter. It is like God brought the people together without them knowing it.  

At our GO Equipped courses in Tent we ask people to commit to starting their days with God. Some of us are morning people and spend time in the Bible and in prayers in the mornings. Others like to sleep in and have less time before they head out to work or other duties. No matter your preference, you can always start your day with God, give it to him and ask him for help to meet the people around you in the same way that he would have met them.  

When giving our day to God, we will from time-to-time experience that he creates divine meetings. Lately, I have had many such experiences while travelling. One was on a recent overnight flight. The airline I flew with changed my seat after checking in, so instead of getting an aisle seat, which is my preference, I got a middle seat in the window section. Even if I always pray for God to organize divine meetings as I travel, I did not see his hand behind this. Instead, I got upset, started complaining and felt sorry for myself.  

The following morning, I started talking with the person sitting next to me. Like me, he was on his way back to Europe from assignments in East Africa. We had not been to the same nation. During our conversation we still find out that we have common friends among the East-Africans. This sparks a long and deep talk where he shares about his background. He explains that he comes from a Christian family, but that he has left the faith in Jesus that he grew up with. I also get to share about my life and my faith. 

I do not know how our talk impacted him. I do however firmly believe that the meeting was organized by the Holy Spirit for a purpose. Over the years, I have learned that I can trustfully leave the outcome of such divine appointments with Him. 

Leaving the aircraft, I rejoiced that God had changed my seat even if he knew that I would grumble. Hopefully, I will recognize the act of his hand in a better way next time.  


Can you commit to start every day with God and ask him to organize divine appointments during the day?  What stories do you have of such divine meetings that God has organized? Can you share your stories with others? 


Dear Jesus, I give my day to you. Please lead me in contact with the people you want me to meet today. Help me to meet them in the way you want me to.  


Meetings organized by God #2


A heart for others