Meetings organized by God #2

“Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Go south to the road--the desert road--that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza." So, he started out, and on his way, he met an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of all the treasury of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians. This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship, and on his way home was sitting in his chariot reading the book of Isaiah the prophet. The Spirit told Philip, "Go to that chariot and stay near it." Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. "Do you understand what you are reading?" Philip asked. "How can I," he said, "unless someone explains it to me?" So, he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.” Acts 8:26—31 (NIV). 

Not all of us experience to get direct and clear instructions from God as Philip did. We can still have the same attitude as Philip and make ourselves available for God wherever we are. Then, God can organize for us to have an encounter with people he wants us to meet. God can then fulfill his purpose through us, like he did with Phillip.  

When we pray for God to organize divine meetings, we will start looking out for these appointments that he may have created. For me, I must admit that most days pass by without my knowledge of having any special, God-ordained encounters with others. Recently, I have however experienced that God has actively connected me with people – especially when I am traveling. On a recent trip to Germany, I had two long and deep conversations about life with people as I was on the bus to the airport. In Germany, I ended up next to a young lady on the train from the airport. During our half-our journey together, we got to talk about faith and life. And we could also celebrate her 21st birthday that turned out to be that day.  

On a recent trip to Kenya, I ended up in a long line-up at the passport control. The conversation with the person standing next to me, took a very interesting turn when he said that he was sure I could not guess where he came from originally and where he was currently living. He looked like a South American, and his English had Russian accent. I did however refrain from sharing my observations. He then told me that he came from Dominican Republic and that he was living in Russia. I answered that I knew another person from the same nation who lives in Russia. He said that was impossible. When I shared her name, he got shocked. “I know her,” he said. “She is very Christian.” 

I smiled. In Tent we train people to integrate life, work, and faith. Hearing testimonies about our people being recognized as “very Christian” give lots of joy.  

My newfound friend started sharing about his life. He came from a Christian family but had a distant relationship to Jesus. Our line moved slowly, so we got a long conversation about life and faith. At the end we also introduced ourselves. He had the perfect name for someone who wants to serve Jesus with their whole life. The literal translation of his name is “God with us Incarnation the Holy Spirit.” 

The apostle Philip experienced that the eunuch from Ethiopia received Jesus and was baptized. For most people, their journeys to Jesus take longer time. I do not know what has happened to my Caribbean friend or how our talk impacted him. Over the years I have however learnt to trust that the Holy Spirit creates what he wants when we are obedient to him. As people of faith, we can rejoice when we experience that he works through us. We can also leave the outcome of the divine meetings he creates with him. 


Are you available for God to arrange divine appointments for you? Can you pray that he will give you such meetings? Pray also that you will be ready when he does. Remember that such appointments often take place when we feel that we are too busy, tired, or stressed out.  


Dear God, I ask you to work through me in the everyday situations I encounter. Help me to represent you well in all that I do. Let me experience that you lead me to divine appointments with others and help me to fulfil your purpose in these encounters.  


Go and make


Meetings organized by God #I