Security guard to God’s glory 

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Pe 2:9.  

On a recent trip to Abuja, we dropped by one of the city’s Shoprite malls for lunch. We had to go through a security scanner to get into the mall. This morning a young lady served as a security guard. After she had led us through the scanner and briefly checked our bag, she suddenly started singing with a clear and loud voice. The song we all got the joy of hearing, was “To God be the glory”. 

We were in Abuja to do a seminar on how to serve Jesus through your work. An important part of our program is to help everyone discover how they are in full-time ministry for him wherever they are.

Our Shoprite experience gave us one good example of what the life of a Jesus-following security guard may look like. May her joy and her song impact many Shoprite customers in the days and months to come and give them a glimpse of God’s glory as they enter the mall.  

Challenge of the week 

What small things can you do in your workplace to show the joy you have in Jesus?  

Let us Pray! 

Dear God,  

We pray that your grace, love, and joy will be visible through us as we work to honor you this week.  


Celebrate your culture – as God celebrates you


Mouthpiece for justice