Celebrate your culture – as God celebrates you

Therefore, its name is called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth. Genesis 11:9, NKJV

Norwegians have worked hard to develop their nation. The passed fifty years they have, amongst others, used their skills to develop modern technology for subsea oil drilling.  

In Denmark, where I grew up, we find no celebration like the Norwegian marking of their national day. That, whilst the history of our nation is different. 

Each year, on the 17th of May, we celebrate the country’s independence. For almost 400 years, Norway was under Danish domain. The celebration of independence seems to matter deeply to Norwegians as well as Americans. The only difference is on what date the celebration is held. Every year, this reminds me of the value of valuing something, and of the importance of celebrating. 

Yesterday, my friends and I visited the National Stage in Bergen. This historical site was created as, and still is used as, a theatre. Since 1850 Norwegians started using their own language in public. Imagine the difference! The Norwegian language contributed to forming work and life in Norway. 

Languages are a part of our everyday life. They matter since it was Gods idea to confuse them. 

Challenge of the week 

Consider why God gave you a specific language, and how you may use your language to serve him. 

Let us Pray!  

Heavenly Father, teach me to see all nations with your eyes. Help me to celebrate the nation and context that you have placed me in. 


Daniel can be a role model today


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