Leadership that Gives Glory to God
Nehemiah was a great leader who decided to leave his high position in the government of Artaxerxes, King of Persia, to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the city walls. Equipped with the necessary provisions and supplies, he led the people to work and guard while they were cleaning, organizing, and building the city walls. The Bible says that after 52 days of hard work, they accomplished the task. The wall was back again, ready to provide a safe environment for the Jewish people to live and worship.

What we can learn from the most outstanding leader in history
In this article, I want to take you on a journey of self-discovery and growth as we learn from Jesus, the greatest and most influential leader in history. I want to emphasise five values that will ignite a fresh passion for leadership within you.

The Greatest Among You
One day, as Jesus and His disciples were traveling, a conversation began among them. The disciples were trying to figure out who among them was the greatest.
Leadership is often tied to power, position, and comparison—who has the largest congregation, the most successful ministry, or the biggest following. Yet, Jesus teaches us that greatness in God’s kingdom is not measured by these standards.