This story of a migrant woman has inspired thousands. Now it is your turn.
A few years ago, I met a West African woman who had a calling to serve Jesus in Central Asia. It had already taken her several years to prepare for the move. Along the way, she was approached by several young men who wanted to marry her. Her first question, in response, was whether they had a calling to serve Jesus in Central Asia. All of them answered no and were, in return, informed that there was no hope of marriage. Finally, seven years after she got the calling, the woman, who remains unmarried, was ready to go.

Change the way you think and Discover God's Will for Your life
Seeing life through the eyes of an artist is one of those beautiful things only God knew in His original design. Being a very practical mom, having a child who learns through pictures, patterns, and music was complex at the beginning of our homeschool journey.
But I had to change my thoughts about teaching her so she could understand.

Overcome self-imposed limitations and embrace your original design
Never in history have we as people been as connected at such a grand scale as we are today. Yet, whether the cause or effect of societal tolerances, we are arguably less in touch with ourselves than ever.

Excellence has the power to transform a Christian's life
Perfection is impossible to reach. You can do anything you can and will still find fault, but excellence is achievable! Excellence is when you know you did your absolute best and still take one step back, look at the work again, and fix what you can with the tools or ability you have in the time allocated. Then, you hand it back to God to use for His glory.

Develop your God-given skills guided by Jesus
Living in Christ is a wonderful journey filled with inspiring prospects for the future. By accepting Christ, we embrace a new life where we experience His love intensely and understand His teachings more deeply. Along this path arises a blessed challenge: personal development. Growing in the Christian community is crucial, as is nurturing our individual growth that allows us to develop our God-given design.

Transform Your Life: Embracing Personal Growth found in scripture
The desire to grow and develop as individuals is natural and inherent in every human being. We constantly seek to improve our skills, expand our knowledge, and reach our full potential. However, as Christians, we understand that true growth goes beyond professional success or personal fulfillment. The ultimate goal is to become more like Christ, growing in wisdom, love, and spiritual maturity.