The Little Book that Achieved Much 

A review of “How to Work for God” by Andrew Murray

Work is the highest manifestation of life

Andrew Murray 

If you are wondering about God’s view on the importance of work, there is one book you need to read without delay: Andrew Murray’s How to Work for God. Andrew Murray (1828-1917) was a South African minister, evangelist, theologian, mission organizer and author of more than 200 books and tracts on Christian spirituality and ministry. His devotion to actively serving God through His grace and strength is clearly palpable also in his little book “How to Work for God”, a small but poignant part of his larger body of work, and still as relevant as when it was published for the first time, over a century ago.**

In thirty-one bite-sized chapters (the book itself is a little over 140 pages), the author leads us through the biblical view of work, dealing with misconceptions and challenging us to examine this area of our lives, whether we are obeying God in action, or merely in word. The pocket-sized book delves into relevant areas such as the motivation behind our work (do we work for God, with God, or is it rather that God works through us, achieving His works?), the influence of our relationship with the Lord on how we approach the work at hand (is what I do even relevant to building His kingdom?), and the importance of His grace in leading us through the challenges ahead (what happens if I fail?). 

The effect on the reader (or at least this particular leader) after finishing this booklet is threefold: encouragement, challenge, inspiration.  

  • We are inspired to assume our place in God’s plan and serve Him in all areas of our lives - in our workplaces, schools, universities, neighborhoods – invariably relying on Him to achieve what we by our striving could not hope to aspire to.  
    The deepest meaning of ‘Let your light shine’ is, let Christ, who dwells in you, be seen by all you meet. And because Christ in you is your light, your humble works can carry with them a power of divine conviction.” (p. 12) 

  • We are challenged to follow His call, and to take active steps, instead of merely thinking about the beauty of obedience, and meditating on the profundity of submission to the Lord. We are challenged to let our proclaimed obedience be reflected in action, and to assume responsibility for the stewardship He’s placed in our hands.  
    Christ keeps watch over the work He has left to be done on earth. His Kingdom and glory depend upon it. He will not only hold us accountable when He comes again to judge but comes unceasingly to ask His servants about their welfare and work. He comes to approve and encourage, to correct and warn. By his Word and Spirit, He questions whether we are using our talents diligently and, as His devoted servants, questions whether we are living only and entirely for His work.” (p. 25) 

  • We are encouraged to rely increasingly more on God, and to rest in the knowledge that as we submit our minds and our hands to Him in obedience, He will work in us and through us.  
    The law of the divine working is unchangeable – God’s work can only be done by God Himself. It is as we see this in Christ, and receive Him in this way, as the Onle in and through whom God works all, and yield ourselves completely to the Father working in Him and in us, that we shall do greater works than He did.” (p. 38) 

Murray’s condensed biblical view of work can be a good introduction to changing how we perceive the extent of the mission field – to include all areas of our lives, private and professional, both. This is one of the pillars of tentmaking – to carry the gospel with us into our workplace and make Christ known through our professions across the globe. 

Curious to know more? Check out the tabs at the top of our webpage to find out more about our organization and our work across the globe.


* The edition that landed in my hands is from 1983, with updated language for ease of reading (the original was published in 1901 under the title “Working for God”) 
** Where to buy the book:  


Andrew Murray, “How to Work for God” (ed. 1983)  


Before the first step