God’s good guidance
Devotional Steinar Opheim Devotional Steinar Opheim

God’s good guidance

In chapter 28 of Deuteronomy, we read about the blessings God is promising to the people of Israel if they obey his instruction (v.1-14), and the curses that will follow should they choose to disobey (v. 15-68).

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Joy at workplace
Devotional Steinar Opheim Devotional Steinar Opheim

Joy at workplace

When I told my co-workers that I had accepted an offering for another job a few months ago, some of them came to my office trying to convince me to stay. They told me that I was the one bringing happiness and peace to the office, and they did not want to lose this.

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Daniel can be a role model today
Article Steinar Opheim Article Steinar Opheim

Daniel can be a role model today

Despite the tragic situation because of Judah's disobedience and the Babylonians conquering, the book relates to the life of a person (or persons) who walks in a different direction than both societies. He does not conform to Babylon's antagonism to the lifestyle imposed by God or Judah's disobedience to God's call.

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Mouthpiece for justice
Devotional Steinar Opheim Devotional Steinar Opheim

Mouthpiece for justice

God intended humans being to work, and all workers are created in His image. Thus, there are good causes for Jesus-followers to celebrate the International Workers’ Day or Labour Day on this first day of May.

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