When life happens

“Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass”. Psalm 37:5  [Amplified Version] 

Like many people I have met, you likely have a carefully crafted plan outlining your daily, weekly, monthly, and even future goals. You may have prepared for any scenario, developed contingency plans, and structured your schedule to balance work, family, and social activities. However, unexpected events can occur, and your plans may fall apart. In response, you must reorganize, reschedule, and deal with the snowball effect of disruptions. 

I am reminded daily that it is not my responsibility to try to maintain control of the flow of life around me. More importantly, to work on setting healthier boundaries and not overcommitting. The tighter we hold control, the more it adds to our stress.  

Sometimes the world feels like it comes crashing down around you. 

But, when I start my morning a little earlier and spend alone time in the presence of God, through worship, reading his word, or even just quietly admiring the wonders of what he has created, it sets the pace for the day slightly differently.  

And when things start falling outside of my control, I must force myself to stop, breathe and have that conversation with God. “Lord, thank you for reminding me that it is not of my strength that I stand here facing something bigger than me. Jesus, take the wheel.” It is easier said than done. It must be practiced, training yourself to step outside of the moment. But in that moment of truth with God, when I acknowledge my role in the situation, I can feel Him stepping in, and almost casting a light to follow to the end of the dark tunnel. 


Dear Lord, I am grateful for the ability to plan and organize things. Help me to always acknowledge that you are in control, even in times when life happens. Amen. 

By Bonne Turner, Tent South Africa 


It is written


Hunger for a Touch of God!