Work as service for the Lord

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Col 3:23-24 NIV

My son has worked as a receptionist at a camping site this summer. It was his first summer job, and we did not know what to expect when he left for his first day at work two months ago. I have seen his character of serving others developing over the years. However, his servant attitude towards the customers in his camping place still exceeded what I expected. Two times this summer, he called us from work asking if we could find room for people who had made mistakes in their bookings and thus were left without a place to stay since all the cabins at his camping site were full. Before calling us, he had done all he could to find available rooms for them at hotels and other camping sites.

I have travelled a lot in my life. When something goes wrong, you seldom meet people who engage to help you find solutions. When you do, it feels like a great treat and a blessing. I am sure the customers at my son’s camping site must have experienced this similarly.

The apostle Paul’s request, which we find in this week’s Bible verse, was initially written to slaves. Paul even urged people forced to work to have the right attitude and do their best. The idea that we serve Jesus in whatever we do should motivate them. How much more can we, who work freely, strive to have the same attitude in our work?

God’s blessings are spread as circles in water when we realise that we serve Jesus in everything we do and start working at things with all our hearts.  We are blessed because the understanding that we serve Jesus can bring new joy to our work, even to tasks we dislike. Our customers are blessed when they meet people who care and do their best to serve.

In my son’s case, my wife and I also experienced God’s blessings. We got to know four people whom we would not have had a chance to meet unless our son had a strong desire to help.

I believe all our visitors were humans. But who knows? The Bible says: "Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realising it!” Heb 13:2 NIV


Take some time to reflect on Col 3:23-24. How is your attitude towards work? Are you able to work at everything you do with all your heart? If not, what hinders you?


Dear Jesus, I want you to be the Lord of my whole life. Help me gain a deep understanding of how I serve you through my work.


My Work. My Worship.


God is a Worker