My Work. My Worship.

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. (John 4:20 NIV)

Broken, needy, and alone with a two-year-old baby, I embarked on a new life journey. I got involved in a church that showed me how to worship. They taught me about setting time aside and letting the Word of God speak into my life through music, dance, art, and nature. I learned how confession, forgiveness, and acceptance can happen simultaneously when you fill yourself with the word of God. For months, I wanted to be in God's presence, pray, sing, dance, and worship the true God.

But all of a sudden, I became frustrated. During my newfound favourite worship times, I began to visualise business strategies and programs. The ideas kept popping up, and I could not contain myself. I had to start doing what I envisioned. This hauled me into a new lifestyle where I focused on living my whole life to the glory of God. There was no distinction. My work became my worship.

For the last three weeks, God has redefined my view of worship again. I have a friend who says, "Praying is easy. Work is hard. “ I agree with him more and more. Taking responsibility and doing what God asks us requires more than just residing in His presence, where everything is perfect. God gave a precise ratio of work as worship versus worship in adoration when He worked six days and only rested on the seventh.

My life of worship has been transformed over the years. Just as I think, "Now I understand!" God reveals a little more. I look forward to how He will continue this adventurous journey of teaching me about true worship. Hopefully, you also have similar experiences that help you grow in understanding what worship truly means.


Ask God to reveal how you worship him through your daily tasks. Write down and live out the new insights he gives you.


Heavenly Father, thank You for guiding us to understand that all of life—whether work, rest, or praise—can glorify You. Please help us to get a complete understanding of what worship means, both in quiet adoration and through our work. Amen.


Transforming Work into Worship: Bringing Your Faith to the Office


Work as service for the Lord