Transforming Work into Worship: Bringing Your Faith to the Office

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free. Ephesians 6:7-8 (NIV)

There was a time when I wrestled with the choice between pursuing a missionary career or continuing as a graphic designer. A pastor advised me to follow my profession, believing that God intended to use me through my work. Interestingly, after that conversation, much of my professional journey unfolded within Christian organisations or companies led by Christian partners and colleagues. Even in roles with non-Christian companies, I found that God used me to bless others through my profession.

Throughout this journey, I witnessed the light of Christ in many around me. Praying and speaking about God in these settings felt natural, yet the challenges of living in a fallen world were still present. One of the greatest challenges I faced was in interpersonal relationships. Disagreements would arise, leading to misunderstandings and, in some cases, even bitterness. I too made mistakes along the way. However, I believe that many of these issues could have been resolved or even avoided had we lived with a deeper awareness that our work is, in fact, an act of worship and service to God.

Regardless of the environment in which you work—whether in a company led by Christians or not—we must remember that work was instituted by God before the fall. Genesis 2 gives us a glimpse of this divine plan. Work is a divine privilege, a blessing, a direct connection with God and others. Let us always remember that by bringing our faith into our work, we are participating in God’s plan, transforming our daily tasks into acts of worship and service.


How can your faith transform the environment around you? This week, try to view every task and every interaction as an opportunity to worship God. Before starting your workday, ask God for wisdom to face challenges and for grace in your relationships. Look for ways to demonstrate Christ’s grace, whether through words or actions.


Lord, I thank You for the privilege of work. Help me to see my work as an extension of Your purpose in my life. Give me wisdom to navigate challenges and a heart full of grace in my relationships. May Your light shine through me in every task and every word I share. Amen.


Where is your place of Worship?


My Work. My Worship.