Go and make

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the son and the Holy Spirit” Matthew 28:19 (NLT) 

One of the things I found hard when I first accepted the position at my current workplace in 2012, was that everyone around me was a believer. 

I had raised five children, studied journalism in midlife, and was eager to practice my profession. Identifying with the tent maker vision, however, I found it difficult even to understand why I was in a “Christian” newspaper. At the time we had two departments: Politics and Christianity, and I had been asked to lead the latter. 

I remember sharing at a staff meeting about the five-fold ministry in Ephesians 4:11 and the roles that God has given Christians to fill as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. I said that our task as Christian journalists was it help God’s people in Norway to function in their everyday lives at home, in the neighborhood/ among friends, at work and at church. This gave us, myself included, a vision worth working for. 

The fact remained, however, that there was not a single non-believer in the office. Coming to terms with that was still hard. I deeply wanted to serve God in the workplace. 

It took a while for the solution to materialize, but it finally did: The Union of Journalist. A colleague suggested my name as a bench proposal at the annual meeting locally, and soon I took part in board meetings and planned activities for journalists with a bunch of people that I loved spending time with. One of them has become a friend that I still meet quite regularly, another is currently in our Alpha group. 


Which colleagues could you reach out to in your workplace? 


God, make me willing to invest time and energy with colleagues that you are leading me to. 


Hunger for a Touch of God!


Meetings organized by God #2