God is a Worker
In the opening verses of Genesis, the bible begins talking about work as soon as it begins talking about anything else, and God leads this by example. The author of the book of Genesis describes God’s creation of the world as work.

Work, Worship, and Service: A Fresh Perspective on Work
Avodah (עבודח) is a Hebrew word rich in meaning. It encompasses three fundamental concepts: work, worship, and service. Understanding this word's depth can revolutionise how we view and carry out our daily activities.
For many, work is simply a necessity for survival, a means to make a living. However, by integrating the meanings of avodah, work transcends this limited view, becoming an expression of worship and divine service.

Reflect Christ's Love at Work
People around us evaluate us by our behaviour. What we say and how we react to things in our daily lives, form their impression of us - and of our faith. This applies also in our workplace. How do you react to pressure, challenges, and frustrations? How are your conversations with your colleagues. How do you respond when something is not working out as you want it to? As Christians, we are called to be light and salt, not only in our churches, but also as professional colleagues.

When life happens
Like many people I have met, you likely have a carefully crafted plan outlining your daily, weekly, monthly, and even future goals. However, unexpected events can occur…

Meetings organized by God #2
When we pray for God to organize divine meetings, we will start looking out for these appointments that he may have created. For me, I must admit that most days pass by without my knowledge of having any special, God-ordained encounters with others.