Steadfast faith in tough times 

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.  

Heb 11:1 (NIV) 

Living a Christian life amid a world full of challenges, uncertainties and adversities can be an arduous journey. It is easy to feel discouraged and lost during storms in our lives. However, the bible reminds us that faith gives a solid foundation on which we can stand, even when everything around us seems to be falling apart. 

Following Christ does not exempt us from challenges. In fact, it may seem that we face more difficulties than those who do not follow Jesus. However, it is precisely during times of difficulties that our faith is tested and strengthened. Faith is not only believing in God when everything is going well, but also trusting in him when everything is falling apart around us. 

Joseph in the Old Testament is an inspiring example of firm faith in times of trouble. Joseph experienced betrayal by his brothers, slavery, unjust imprisonment, and many other challenges. However, his faith in God never wavered. He trusted in God's sovereignty, even when circumstances were bleak. In the end, God exalted him and used his life to fulfil a greater purpose. 

In times of difficulty, it is crucial to remember that God controls all things. Even when we do not understand the reason for our tribulations, we can trust that he has a greater plan in motion. The Bible assures us that all things work together for good for those who love God (Romans 8:28). 

Prayer plays a fundamental role in our journey of faith. In times of difficulty, it is through prayer that we find strength, comfort, and direction. We can share our burdens with God, knowing that He hears us and responds according to His will. 

Our journey of faith can be challenging, but as we trust in God, persevere in prayer, and seek his will, we can keep our faith firm even in times of distress. Faith truly is the solid foundation that sustains us, even when everything around us is in turmoil. 


Dear Heavenly Father, help me to turn to you with a humble heart both in times of joy and suffering. Create in me a faith that gives certainty of what we hope for and the proof of things we do not see. Help me to keep my faith firm, even when circumstances seem challenging. I trust in you, Lord, and seek to fulfil your will in all areas of my life. Give me strength, wisdom, and discernment to persevere. May my faith in you grow and flourish, regardless of the storms that may arise. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen. 


Reflect Christ's Love at Work


Guided on the Journey: Trusting the Lord's Path