Embracing Faithful Work
Today, I was discussing work environments across cultural boundaries with a friend. I explained that it is easy to embrace the idea of serving Jesus through your work in settings where work conditions are good. The idea is, however, less appealing for people who live in chronic corrupt societies and for those who struggle to find work or to make ends meet.

He is our source of life
In general, January ranks among my favourite months of the year. This is largely because, in contrast to the fast-paced culture I have grown accustomed to, life is peaceful at this time. I find it intriguing that this month tends to bring out the gentler, more loving side of individuals.

Slim and fit when Jesus comes back
A survey done in one Western nation some time ago concluded that three things were on top of people’s wish lists for the coming year. The respondents wanted to exercise more, lose weight, and eat healthier. The survey did not distinguish between Christians and others. Most l ikely the goals were not very different for those who want to follow Jesus.

Implications of Jesus coming
We hope you have had a wonderful celebration of Jesus coming! Two days ago, we finished our series of advent devotions focusing on different professions in the Christmas story recorded in the gospel of Luke. Regardless of their social position or professions, the Jesus-followers whom we meet in the New Testament collaborated to make known the Savior who was born.

Building Faith: A DIY Carpenter's Tale of Finding God's Guidance in Woodwork
The story of Joseph, the carpenter, and his role in raising Jesus on earth, highlights God's divine plan in choosing the right person for the job. Joseph's lineage ensured that Jesus was a descendant of King David, and his mastery of carpentry skills provided a stable and loving home for the Son of God. Although Joseph's occupation is not explicitly mentioned in the story of the birth of Jesus, it is mentioned elsewhere in the New Testament that he was a carpenter.

The miracle goes viral
Picture this: You are out in a field, minding your own business, when suddenly an angel appears out of nowhere! Your heart races as you try to understand what you are seeing. You cannot believe your eyes - nor your ears as the angel tells you that a king has been born! You quickly reach for your phone to record the moment, but you are too nervous, and your camera settings are not quite right for capturing an evening shot. Then, to your utter amazement, a whole host of angels appear before you, and you snap a picture just in time! You are beyond thrilled and convinced that what you just witnessed is real. Without hesitation, you send an instant message to everyone you know, eager to share this incredible experience with them!

Traveling Through Time and Spirit: How Transportation Shapes Spiritual Journeys
The journey that Mary and Joseph took to Bethlehem was a long and arduous one. They had to travel approximately 90 miles within four days, maintaining an average pace of 2.5 miles per hour for roughly eight hours per day. Despite their challenges, they made it to their destination, where they welcomed the birth of Jesus. The shepherds who visited them would have travelled from the fields outside Bethlehem, which were likely not too far away. However, they, too, had to make a journey, and it is believed that they may have travelled a distance of several miles.

A quest for knowledge leads to an abundant life!
The magi or wise men of their time were the intellectuals and scientists of their society, with an insatiable curiosity to understand the world around them. They didn't just take what they saw at face value; instead, they diligently researched and inquired to comprehend the significance of what they were witnessing - the star. They believed that the star was not just a random astronomical occurrence but a celestial sign pointing towards something significant.

Why Your Heart's Attitude Matters More Than Your Job
I hold dear the memories of my recent trip to Kenya and Ethiopia. During the trip, we came across some young shepherds, and I remember thinking how fortunate they were to have nature as an integral part of their daily routine. However, I did not ponder much on this thought until I received this new assignment.

How Hoteliers fulfil the need for a safe space to rest
The story of Jesus' birth serves as a powerful inspiration for how hoteliers fulfil the need for a safe space to rest. Just as Mary and Joseph sought refuge at an inn, hoteliers and guesthouses strive to provide a welcoming environment where weary travellers can find solace and comfort.

How your decisions can lead to someone else's freedom
Caesar Augustus, a powerful ruler of the Roman world, made a decree that a census should be taken. This decision had far-reaching effects, impacting a humble carpenter engaged to a pregnant partner. They were required to undertake an arduous journey due to this decree.

What is that in your hand?
In Tent International, it is commonly said that the longest phase in a tentmaker’s journey is the decision-making phase. At this stage, a lot of questions and a fear of the unknown come to the surface. Moses had similar problems.

God's Goodness
This fall I have read two books by Nik Ripken (not his real name). In the "Insanity of God," he talks about a visit to Russia where he met Dmitri who had been in prison for 17 years. HIs problems with the police started when he and his wife decided to gather their little family for a regular time of Bible reading, worship, and praise.

In our fast-paced society, we want things to happen at once and we can see how everything is set up so well that fast food restaurants and various drop-in services allow us to satisfy our appetites as quickly as possible. This kind of thinking could very easily influence our walk with God;

Heavenly GPS
Finding our way to a destination could either be a pleasure or a nightmare, depending on your personality. Different phobias could hinder us from reaching our port of call.

Do not worry
It is remarkable to note that Jesus’ teaching on worry was not exclusively to the affluent and powerful, but also to the “poor”. Most people who listened to the sermon on the mount were probably not wealthy. For some, what they earned each day was all they had to live on for the next day.

Understanding Christ's Inclusive Love
Jesus consistently challenged the social norms of His time, choosing to walk with those marginalized and rejected by society. In a world where exclusion and isolation are common, His compassionate and inclusive approach continues to teach us valuable lessons.

Steadfast faith in tough times
Living a Christian life amid a world full of challenges, uncertainties and adversities can be an arduous journey. It is easy to feel discouraged and lost during storms in our lives. However, the bible reminds us that faith gives a solid foundation on which we can stand, even when everything around us seems to be falling apart.

Where do you come from?
While living in Central Asia some years ago, one of my best friends was a carpet maker. I still remember the time when he produced what he called his “Mona Lisa”. The carpet was not so big - less than a meter wide and a little bit more than a meter long.