Actively Doing Nothing
In Philippians 4, the apostle Paul encourages the believers in Philippi to always rejoice in the Lord and be anxious for nothing.

Celebrate your culture – as God celebrates you
Languages are a part of our everyday life. They matter since it was Gods idea to confuse them.

Security guard to God’s glory
On a recent trip to Abuja, we dropped by one of the city’s Shoprite malls for lunch. We had to go through a security scanner to get into the mall.

Mouthpiece for justice
God intended humans being to work, and all workers are created in His image. Thus, there are good causes for Jesus-followers to celebrate the International Workers’ Day or Labour Day on this first day of May.

God’s definition of rest
What comes to your mind when you hear the word rest? Many people think about absence of work. It is thus a bit strange that Jesus, just after inviting his followers to rest says: “Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

Rest with Jesus
Many people focus on what they can do for Jesus. Resting is not seen as something positive. When we take time off, we may sense that opportunities for serving Jesus pass us by. In the Bible we can however read how Jesus, amid pressure, invited his disciples to come with Him to rest.

You before me
Jesus Christ died for His Church. For the individuals that make up the Church, sure, but more importantly, for the Church as a collective body. We reiterate this often from the pulpits and in prayer meetings, but do we really know what it means to live it out in practice?

A new person, a new life
When we work or study we naturally relate to co-workers and co-students. Whether we like it or not, the people around us will discover what is important to us as well as what we pay less attention to.

Jesus in the workplace
Finally, the day came when Jesus arrived, and Martha opened her home to Him and His disciples. To show her gratitude and hospitality, she wanted the food to be excellent. This put pressure on everyone involved in preparing the meal. Her sister Mary seemed to have lost focus though.

Fishing, God’s way
At least three times Jesus brought His disciples on the journey from Jerusalem to Galilee. As they journeyed together, He used what they saw to illustrate His teaching.

With everything you’ve got
William Carey is regarded as the father of what we call traditional missions – or the mission agency model of doing missions. In some ways that is true. But William Carey could just as well be regarded as a father for professionals, businesspeople and students who go cross-culturally to share the Gospel.

The mission statement
Political parties have programs that inform everyone what they intend to do. Jesus also declared His program early on after He became a public figure.

An invitation
Levi promptly obeyed when he was called by Jesus to follow him. The story about Levi is a wonderful expression of God’s grace.

Salt and light
Both salt and light have properties that affect their surroundings. In the same way every Christian is called by God to influence the world around them.

A little boy meets the great God
The story of the little boy with the two fishes and the five loaves of bread has for many years been central in Tent’s work. For a long time, a drawing of the little boy was at the front page of our GO Equipped course book. The message from this story is very powerful. Jesus can bless everything we give to Him and make it a blessing to many people.

Whose image?
Not everyone enjoys paying taxes. Questions about taxes can still reveal important truths – especially when Jesus is the one asking.

Fill the jars to the brim
“Do whatever he tells you,” Mary told the servants at the wedding in Cana. She encouraged the servants to listen to Jesus, to hear from him for themselves.

Faithfulness and obedience
Jesus does not point to numbers when he defines Kingdom success. Instead, he focuses on faithfulness and obedience.

Called to be ambassadors
Various systems of the nations are corrupted, facing violence and poverty but Jesus said that we are the light for people who are in darkness looking for solutions

Task or need?
Task or need? One of the things I often hear about prayer is: “I do not have time”, or “I tried getting up early to pray, but it just did not work for me.” My answer is always: “Who said you have to do that?”